Athlete of the Year: Asa Thomas
Congratulations to the graduating class of 2023 and to all the students and educators for the completion of another school year. Lake Forest and Lake Bluff, and its schools, routinely produce amazing young adults, and this year's class is no exception! Parents Care joins the student newspaper, The Forest Scout, in recognizing Asa Thomas, male Athlete of the Year!
June 02, 2023Lake Forest Schools' Massive Violation of Student Privacy Exposes and Endangers Our Children
Lake Forest Schools' Massive Violation of Student Privacy Exposes and Endangers Our Children
May 25, 2023Discussing D67's potential FERPA violation and more on the LF Podcast!
In the most recent episode of the LF Podcast, Executive Director Frank McCormick and Board President Jeff Brincat discuss D67's FERPA violation, problems with the school system, vouchers, and more.
May 24, 2023On District 67's breach of student and family privacy
Last Friday, May 19th, the Student Services Coordinator emailed ALL District 67 parents of children with a 504 plan containing information that could be used to identify Lake Forest children receiving Special Education services.
May 22, 2023Sign the Custodial Staff Appreciation Card
As summer nears, it's a great time to show our appreciation to school staff! The custodial and maintenance team at Districts 115 and 67 are led by Director of Facilities Dan Mortensen.
May 15, 2023Parents Care Returns to Lake Forest Podcast
It's been a wild month at Lake Forest area public schools. $180 million property tax hikes $1+ million in Administrator pay increases Termination of teachers' aid positions Parents Care returned to the Lake Forest Podcast to dive deep into these developments and put them all into perspective for you. These take a little time, but they will definitely help you better understand the full context. Enjoy!
May 10, 2023What You Can Do To Help
In light of the $180,000,000.00 in new property taxes, the generous administrative raises (including 23% to Dr. Matthew L. Montgomery- that passed before the referendum vote had even been formally approved), and lip service to "fiscal responsibility" that came at the expense of students (by cutting teaching assistant positions), we understand how frustrated and angry you are!
May 04, 2023Super intendant Montgomery Addresses His Rasie
In response to Parents Care's recent emails and mailer, Dr. Matthew L. Montgomery responded to our concerns in this email.
May 04, 2023Cuts to teaching assistants contrasts with administrative raises
"Cuts For Thee, Not For Me!" That is the takeaway from Dr. Matthew L. Montgomery's presentation at the most recent District 67 Board Meeting.
April 28, 2023Double-Digit D67/115 Administrator Raises Follow Narrow Passing of $106,000,000.00 Bond.
While the average American's raise is dwarfed by inflation, our schools' administrators are enjoying double-digit raises on the backs of taxpayers.
April 25, 2023District celebrates new taxes with 23% increase to superintendent's salary
How did D115 Administration and the Board celebrate their narrow bond referendum victory? With massive increases to twenty-one administrator's salaries!
April 18, 2023Troubeling Trends
A recent article by the Lake County Gazette on District 115's troubling trends regarding student performance, fiscal responsibility, and transparency has elicited responses from concerned residents of Lake Forest and Lake Bluff.
April 13, 2023Important Student Assessments This Week
ParentsCare regularly refers to academic scores published by the Illinois Report Card. This week, students at our local schools will be taking the assessments that are reported in the Illinois Report Card. It is very important for our schools, community, and kids that the students give their best efforts on these assessments. Please do what you can to ensure your children are prepared to do their best this week.
April 11, 2023Bond Appears to Pass by About 100 Votes
While the vote will not be ratified until April 20th, it appears that the District 115 bond referendum passed last night by about 100 votes of of 7,100. This is exactly how the process is supposed to work: the people go to the polls and exercise their sacred right to vote for their interests. We all accept the outcome and rejoice in this affirmation of democracy.
April 05, 2023Opinion Series: Parents Care Recommends a 'NO' Vote on Referendum
Election Day is Tuesday, April 4th. The issue Lake Forest High School District 115 voters will face is much more significant than simply whether to award the administration of District 115 another $106 million in funding. In making their choice, they will help point the way forward for LFHS and future generations. Considering this choice and the District's current path, we urge a "NO" vote on issuing another $106,000,000.00 in debt.
April 03, 2023Opinion Series: Ted Moorman Recommends No
Former District 115 School Board Member Ted Moorman offers us the fourth in our Opinion Series concerning the April 4th Bond Referendum. ParentsCare has not taken a position concerning the bond referendum, and the organization is not a political campaign for either side.
March 28, 2023Credibility Gap - West Campaus
District 115 released a video addressing the West Campus on Waukegan Road as part of its ongoing bond campaign.
March 22, 2023Endorsement - Randy Tack for Lake Forest Mayor
ParentsCare focuses on advocating for the flourishing of the students at our local public school. We debated whether to weigh in on the race for Lake Forest Mayor. We choose to do so because our local government bodies are interdependent, and because we view Dr. Randy Tack as the clear choice.
March 20, 2023FOIA Improvements This St Patrick Day
On this St. Patrick's Day, we would like to take a moment to celebrate the progress Lake Forest High School District 115 appears to be making in improving its Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) policies. As an organization that is dedicated to advocating for transparency and accountability in education, we recognize the significance of this apparent progress.
March 17, 2023Shocking Statistics
In response to a Freedom of Information Act Request sent to D115 by Parents Care, we received some shocking information illustrating how out of control spending is in light of declining district enrollment and rock-bottom student assessment scores. It is now clearer than ever why the District has been so vigorously fighting the public's FOIA requests. Please consider the following facts:
March 14, 2023