While the vote will not be ratified until April 20th, it appears that the District 115 bond referendum passed last night by about 100 votes of of 7,100.

This is exactly how the process is supposed to work: the people go to the polls and exercise their sacred right to vote for their interests.

We all accept the outcome and rejoice in this affirmation of democracy.

Bond Appears to Pass by About 100 Votes

One thing should be clear: we now have the most well-funded High School District in Illinois.

There can be no more excuses for the multiyear slide that has resulted in four out of ten students at LFHS performing BELOW grade level.

Now the District, the Administration, and the School Board need to approach student achievement with the same vigor they have approached the passage of this bond.

As the District did with the bond referendum, we expect to see an all-hands-on-deck campaign to stop the twelve-year slide in student achievement and a program that will get the district's financial house in order (as opposed to the "our house is on fire" approach).

No more excuses.

The district asked (and the community granted) an unprecedented level of funding to make this district the fiscal envy of every district in Illinois.

Now the school Board, the administration, and the Board leadership must prove worthy of this faith.

At Parents Care, we will continue our mission of oversight in our core areas of high academic achievement, fiscal responsibility, and transparency.

Thank you for your continued support.