LFHS: 1 in 3 Students Left Behind
As fathers of children in Lake Forest Schools, we hoped that the 2022-2023 State of Illinois report card would demonstrate what the Lake Forest Schools administration has been emphasizing about 2021-2022's assessment data: that it was just one data point of minor concern. Yet, to our dismay, the release of the 2022-2023 ISBE report card reveals that the current leadership of the Board of Education and Lake Forest administration continues to leave 1 in 3 children behind. District 115 Percent Meeting Basic Proficiency(Per the State of Illinois)
October 31, 2023A Disappointing"Post-COVID Recovery..."
Next week, the release embargo on the 2022-2023 Illinois Report Cards will lift, and we expect Lake Bluff and Lake Forest Schools to release assessment results soon after. However, a snapshot preview of District 67's proficiency rates has been released, and after careful consideration, we have decided to share our thoughts on the early preview of District 67's performance.
October 25, 2023Is the District Doing All it Can to Protect Our Children from Sexual Abuse?
In the wake of recent developments at our local high school district, it's become increasingly challenging to determine how committed the D115 administration and school board are to maintaining a safe and sexual misconduct-free environment. Recently, the Board of Education and Administration directed its trial lawyers to plead in Federal Court that the District had "no duty to protect a student who was allegedly sexually abused by a teacher." Thankfully, the court rejected this argument.
October 10, 2023No Duty to Protect Students?!
It has been alleged by multiple LFHS alumni that Dave Miller- a teacher for over 30 years at Lake Forest High School- sexually molested them while they were students. Now, a recent article reveals that Lake Forest High School District 115 made a legal argument that it "owes no duty to protect a student who was allegedly sexually abused by a teacher." As community members and fathers, we found this news to be extremely disheartening and disappointing, especially considering that the alleged Dave Miller sexual abuse scandal is not the only such instance of abuse to occur at LFHS.
October 05, 2023Introducing our General Counsel
Parents Care is thrilled to introduce the newest addition to our team: Ms. Marina Diambri, of Counsel at Diambri & Vicari, Parents Care. Marina is passionate about advocating and serving for parental and child rights and school accountability. With both her experience and passion, we know she will be an invaluable asset in empowering Parents Care to hold our schools accountable to parents and taxpayers in producing high academic achievement, student-first budgets, and transparency. While we will be working hand in hand with Marina for the betterment of our schools and students' interests, we encourage you to contact her if you have any questions, concerns, or need for her services. Thank you for your warm welcome and support. We strongly encourage you to read her introductory letter to the Lake Forest & Lake Bluff Community below.
October 02, 2023Lake Bluff Strategic Plan Questions
Dear Parents, Lake Bluff School District 65 recently published an important document called "The Road to Success, Strategic Plan." CLICK HERE TO REVIEW DISTRICT 65's STRATEGIC PLAN DOCUMENT We encourage the Lake Bluff community to carefully consider this document and share additional feedback and questions with us by replying to this email. While we appreciate that the District published this document to inform the Lake Bluff community about its vision, several Lake Bluff residents brought some questions and concerns to us, which we agreed merit consideration.
September 29, 2023Meet our Board President!
Dear Lake Forest and Lake Bluff, First and foremost, thank you for supporting students through your involvement with Parents Care. I cannot tell you how much it means to me to see so many of my neighbors support an organization that, at its heart, is about serving our children.
September 27, 2023Another New Luxury Parking Lot forAdministration?!
You will recall that a few weeks ago, Parents Care brought to light more exorbitant spending by Lake Forest School Districts 67/115 in the form of a new parking lot at the Admin Headquarters on Waukegan Road.
September 14, 2023What are they hiding?
There is something seriously strange going on in our district: a deliberate and consistent effort to obfuscate and deny access to public financial records, email communications, curriculum articles, etc. There is no way around it. How can we trust our children to administrative bureaucrats who are doing everything in their power to conceal daily operations inside our classrooms and district offices?
September 02, 2023Oppose Food Allergy Pilot Program at District 67
Lake Forest School District 67 is testing a new Allergen-Free Pilot Snack Program. Many parents reached out to us concerning the policy, so we investigated. We are sharing with you our letter to the 67 School Board and relevant administrators articulating our opposition and laying out our recommendations for improvement.
August 24, 2023What is Parents Care 2023/2024?
Hi, Parents! As school began, we at Parents Care thought it would be a great time to reintroduce ourselves and help you better understand our vision, mission, and values. Please send us your comments, questions, and concerns by replying to this email
August 23, 2023Social & Emotional Learning At Our Schools
This post is part of an ongoing series where we talk about Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in Lake Forest and Lake Bluff Schools. Currently, the information presented by each district is somewhat limited. However, as we continue to advocate for increased transparency and communicate with each district, we will share with you what we learn. Additionally, we will keep you updated as each district grows and evolves its SEL programs.
August 10, 2023Positive Change at Deer Path Middle School
Community response to email and mailer highlighting misplaced district priorities effects positive change for our children! As you can see below, Deerpath Middle School has recently begun work installing powered exterior doors to be completed in time for the new school year.
August 07, 2023It's Time to Take Action
It's time to take action for our children! You can access the Parents Care "Take Action" landing page at the following link, where you can do several things to help make a difference. Most importantly, contact your Board representatives elected to represent YOU and YOUR CHILDREN (not administrative bureaucrats).
July 31, 2023Admin Parking Lot Should Not Be Priority
Administrator's Campus Should NOT Be The Priority Have you noticed all the summer construction over at the District 67 and 115 Administration building on Waukegan Road?
July 26, 2023Privacy Violations - The Proper Response
The unauthorized and unfortunate disclosure of students' private data on May 19th was a human error. Mistakes happen; we get that. Our concern is with the District leadership's lack of response. As we've addressed, the identity of over 230 students on 504 Plans (medical and special education plans) was distributed in a mass email by someone at District 67 last month.
June 22, 2023Happy Fathers Day
We would like to take a moment to wish all the fathers in our community a happy Father's Day.
June 18, 2023Preventing Learning Loss Over The Summer
Happy Friday! We hope you and your family are having a fantastic start to the summer, filled with plenty of time outdoors, even if it has been cooler than usual.
June 16, 2023End of the School Year
It's hard to believe, but the school year is over, and summer is here! For our children, this is undoubtedly their favorite time of the year. A time to play outdoors, hang out with friends, and make the neighbors wonder what kind of parents let their kids launch toy army men strapped to bottle rockets at 9:00 PM (sorry, Mrs. Washburn, we swear we didn't know).
June 06, 2023Parents Care Questions State Legislators
We've heard from School Board members and local education leaders that state mandates from Springfield dramatically impair their ability to deliver the high-quality and efficient public education our children deserve.
June 05, 2023