It's hard to believe, but the school year is over, and summer is here!

For our children, this is undoubtedly their favorite time of the year. A time to play outdoors, hang out with friends, and make the neighbors wonder what kind of parents let their kids launch toy army men strapped to bottle rockets at 9:00 PM (sorry, Mrs. Washburn, we swear we didn't know).

End of the School Year

But most of all, this is a precious time for parents! A time when you relish every moment with your children (and certainly don't cry over a few glasses of wine at the end of each night while counting the days on your calendar until school starts).

Yes, that is right, school is out, and we both congratulate our children for all the effort they put in this past year and thank parents for doing what they do best: caring.

Thank you, and stay tuned for forthcoming updates and information on how you can get involved next school year!