ParentsCare focuses on advocating for the flourishing of the students at our local public school. We debated whether to weigh in on the race for Lake Forest Mayor. We choose to do so because our local government bodies are interdependent, and because we view Dr. Randy Tack as the clear choice.

Endorsement - Randy Tack for Lake Forest Mayor

Why We Recommend Randy Tack for Mayor of Lake Forest

Lake Forest voters face a much more significant choice than simply choosing the next person who will occupy the mayoral chair at City Hall. In making their choice, we decide whether to endorse or eschew a future of bitter, expensive, and partisan-based politics in our hometown.

What we have seen in this Mayoral race on the internet, in our mailboxes, and on the streets of Lake Forest has been a glimpse into what "might be" for the future of Lake Forest elections. The purpose of the Lake Forest Caucus has been purposefully demonstrated these last eighty-eight years; to prevent the partisan negativity that we all associate with the mentality of "full contact" politics in Illinois.  

To be sure, our Caucus is neither perfect nor has it's every choice in nine decades been so. We were disappointed when the Caucus did not select our Board Member Jeff Brincat for School Board nomination. Still, we respected the decision and the Caucus process. After all, it was a fair and non-partisan process.  

In nominating Randy Tack from a broad field, the Caucus made, by far, the best choice for our next Mayor. Additionally, in choosing Randy, the system worked precisely as it should have.

Randy's history of commitment to Lake Forest and his willingness to do the thankless work of a volunteer public servant impresses us the most. His business experience has been an invaluable asset to the city. He has shown over and again in his actions in being a watchdog for the community. Most effectively, Randy has been a voice of reason for all of Lake Forest through his years of service to our community. Dr. Tack represents non-partisanship right here in Lake Forest. As the choice of our non-partisan Caucus body, he embodies what a "civil" process of electing a mayor can look like.  

By contrast, his opponent has endorsed a future of bitter, divisive, and expensive election cycles by not accepting the choice of the Caucus body she participated in for so long. Of course, it is Mrs. Beidler's right to run her campaign (even after she promised to support the Caucus choice if she was not selected). But this imposes on you, the voter, the duty to research her public background. Our research reveals that Mrs. Beidler's lifetime of extreme partisan activism raises severe concerns regarding future policy choices and what they may bode for our city. 

We support the election of Dr. "Randy" Tack as our next Mayor to help keep Lake Forest the Lake Forest we all love.

Early Voting has already started at Lake Forest Village Hall. 
Election Day is April 4th.  
The Christ Church Polling Place has been moved to the Old Knollwood Fire Station