In response to a Freedom of Information Act Request sent to D115 by Parents Care, we received some shocking information illustrating how out of control spending is in light of declining district enrollment and rock-bottom student assessment scores.
It is now clearer than ever why the District has been so vigorously fighting the public's FOIA requests.
Please consider the following facts:
- The District's budget has grown by more than 24% over the last four years, exceeding $60,000,000.00 annually.
- In the past five years, student enrollment at LFHS is down 11%.
- Student assessment scores are at their lowest levels ever as measured by a number of tests, including the IAR and the SAT (source).
- 4 out of 10 students are not at grade level, per ISBE.
How did we get here? It's time the community demands more of our district and administration!
We ask you to please forward this to your friends and neighbors; it is imperative that the community knows the facts on spending, enrollment, and test scores in our schools.