Thank you for the tremendously positive response to our recent mailer. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we do our best to manage the many incoming emails and phone calls, overhaul and upgrade our website and technological infrastructure, and settle into our new offices.
We are deeply encouraged by the overwhelming support and interest we have received. As we continue to expand, we promise further to improve our website, communications, and community offerings.
There are too many questions to answer in a single- or even multiple emails- and I promise that in time our website will reflect the faces in our community that makeup Parents Care, but for now, I believe it is essential that you first understand what we at Parents Care stand for and believe. And while I know many of you have questions for and about me, I would instead answer those at a later time because this isn't about me- it's about our children- and what I believe doesn't matter because, at Parents Care, we all committed to something bigger than our politics or beliefs: a better education for our children.
Parents Care is, first and foremost, a nonpartisan organization. Does that mean that the individuals that work at Parents Care or I am nonpartisan individuals who have discovered the secret to transcending politics? Of course not, and I would never lie to you and pretend we are. Still, we are professionals that know how to separate personal politics from the organizational vision and mission. We believe our purpose transcends our politics, no matter how important they are to us in our personal lives.
At Parents Care, we are about three fundamental things: improving our schools' academic outcomes, promoting fiscally sound budgets that put students first, and creating a school district culture of unfettered transparency. While these three things should be at the core of our public schools, sadly, we know that is not always the case. However, with your support, high academic achievement, student-first budgets, and a culture of institutional transparency can be a reality at Lake Forest and Lake Bluff Schools.
On that note, as a final word, I would like to respond to the many generous offers for financial assistance and donations. At this time, we are NOT asking for any monetary contributions as we are operationally funded through the next two quarters. What we do need, however, is your support in doing the following:
1. Signing up on our website:
2. Liking and following us on Facebook and Twitter.
3. Encourage your friends to sign up at our website and follow us on social media.
Thank you for your efforts and helping us in our mission to improve academic outcomes, advance fiscally sound student-first budgets, and promote a culture of transparency in our schools. The team and I at Parents Care are excited about the future of our schools for our children!
Frank McCormick