Dear Lake Forest & Lake Bluff Neighbors,
"Better schools through community oversight."
That is Parents Care's motto and what has motivated us daily over the past two years.
The events that transpired in Lake Forest Schools involving yet another alleged child sexual groomer have reminded us all of the necessity of independent community oversight and the vital role you play in helping it succeed through your support.
Beginning with the Paul Brock scandal, to the school cafeteria employee, to Mx. Eleveld, and now this, we have been pleading with Lake Forest Schools' superintendent, Dr. Montgomery, and the board members that have enabled him to put aside whatever personal grievances they have with us, stop the "opposition group" rhetoric, and recognize that despite our differences we are parents, taxpayers, and neighbors, and should ALL be working together to ensure what is best for our children.
Regretfully, they chose to continue their business-as-usual policies, including not communicating with us or returning our invitations to collaborate, and managed to hire another sexual groomer for this upcoming school year. While he was caught, thanks to community oversight, he was one day away from being in contact with our children.
How Did This Happen Again?
When the Paul Brock scandal surfaced in the Winter of 2023, we implored the district to adopt new policies regarding the hiring and investigation of potential and current employees.
In private conversations with Dr. Montgomery, Parents Care even vetted local firms and made specific policy recommendations to him.
Sadly, Dr. Montgomery and both Lake Forest School Boards under him ignored recommendations, claiming their practices were adequate.
Their taxpayer-funded attorneys sent us letters stating that our school administration and representative board members would no longer communicate with us.
Dr. Montgomery and our school board members have not only repeatedly charged us with being an "opposition group," but they have treated us as one, even when our collaboration could have helped prevent more sexual abuse and misconduct incidents.
Why Did Whistleblowers Come to Parents Care Again?
The whistleblowers who came to us asking us to contact the district admin did so, claiming they felt that, given the "culture of shirking accountability" that existed in LF schools, they were doubtful the district would act responsibly and instead try to sweep another such incident under the carpet as they have done in the past (Paul Brock, "Grind" scandal, Mx. E, etc.).
It should not be this way.
While we always expect whistleblowers to come to Parents Care, we should not be the first line of defense, and we should especially not have a culture where students feel they have to come to us first.
To be sure, Superintendent Montgomery calling for a consulting firm to investigate his Human Resources department is a step in the right direction, but it also solicits further questions, namely:
- Who will choose this firm, and what community input will be involved?
- In light of the district violating recommendations from a similar firm in the Daid Miller sexual abuse tragedy, who will ensure compliance?
- What will take this from a political cover-our-bases exercise to a meaningful and sincere change in attitude and policy?
- When will they recognize we are not the enemy but local parents and neighbors who volunteer their time and money to this vital cause?
We take no joy in having these conversations. Still, for learning to occur, we implore Lake Forest Schools' administration and board members to do the hard work of honest reflection—as we have done as Parents Care learns, grows, and evolves—and embrace civil dialogue with ALL stakeholders, including Parents Care and her volunteers, for the benefit of our children.
As we continue to advocate for these changes and provide oversight, I want to reassure our community that we are here to stay and at your service whenever you need us. You can reach us at [email protected] or our executive director at [email protected].
Thank you for your support and determination to create better schools through community oversight.
Jeffrey R. Brincat
Board Chairman
Parents Care